"Gastro-Danieli" Restaurantbetrieb GmbH & Co KG FN 137915t

Name according to the Business Register "Gastro-Danieli" Restaurantbetrieb GmbH & Co KG
Business Register number 137915t
Address Anton Baumgartnerstraße 44/C5/03/03
1232 Wien
Main operational location Himmelpfortgasse 3
1010 Wien
Bezirk / Gemeinde Wien (Stadt) / Wien
Type of business entity (legal form) Kommanditgesellschaft
VAT No. ATU39532500
Year established 1995
Telephone number 01 513 79 13-0
Website https://www.danieli.at
Email address office@danieli.at
Fax 01 513 79 13-4
Products and services