Haribo Austria GmbH & Co KG FN 499014w

Name according to the Business Register Haribo Austria GmbH & Co KG
Business Register number 499014w
Address Industriezeile 68
4020 Linz, Oberösterreich
Bezirk / Gemeinde Linz (Stadt) / Linz
Type of business entity (legal form) Kommanditgesellschaft
VAT No. ATU73666623
Year established 1921/1939/1983/1998/2016/2018
Telephone number 0732 77 46 91-0
Website https://www.haribo.com/de-at
Email address info.at@haribo.com
Social Media
Fax 0732 77 46 91-100
Products and services
Business activities Erzeugung von Zuckerwaren aller Art sowie Fruchtgummi (Weingummi), Schokodragees