SAFFA Pharma e.U. Großhandel International Inh. Dr. Ing. George A. Saffarnia FN 7321t

Name according to the Business Register SAFFA Pharma e.U. Großhandel International Inh. Dr. Ing. George A. Saffarnia
Business Register number 7321t
Address Ketzergasse 317
2380 Perchtoldsdorf, Niederösterreich
Bezirk / Gemeinde Mödling / Perchtoldsdorf
Type of business entity (legal form) Einzelunternehmer
VAT No. ATU19348409
Year established 1976/2017
Telephone number 01 865 93 94
0664 221 74 80
0664 7352 6619
Email address
Fax 01 869 41 03
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