Welog GmbH & Co KG FN 199364h

Name according to the Business Register Welog GmbH & Co KG
Business Register number 199364h
Address Neudorf 163
8262 Ilz, Steiermark
Main operational location Nr. 73
8283 Blumau, Steiermark
Bezirk / Gemeinde Hartberg-Fürstenfeld / Ilz
1 Registered Branches
Branch 001
Name Welog GmbH & Co KG
Address Blumau 73
8283, Steiermark
Type of business entity (legal form) Kommanditgesellschaft
VAT No. ATU60858646
Year established 2000
Telephone number 03385 660 99-400
Website https://www.welog.at
Email address office@welog.at
Fax 03385 660 99-31
Products and services