WELZL, WINTERSTEINER & OZSVAT gynäkologische Gruppenpraxis OG FN 328627a

Name according to the Business Register WELZL, WINTERSTEINER & OZSVAT gynäkologische Gruppenpraxis OG
Establishment name(s)
  • Ordination Focus Gyn
Business Register number 328627a
Address Stadlauer Straße 62
1220 Wien
Bezirk / Gemeinde Wien (Stadt) / Wien
Type of business entity (legal form) Offene Gesellschaft
Year established 2009/2014/2024
Telephone number 01 202 22 02
Website https://www.focus-gyn.at
Email address ordination@focus-gyn.at
Fax 01 202 22 02-33
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