ZNT Zentren für neue Technologien GmbH FN 313879m

This is a foreign company with a registered branch office in Austria. Branches that are established within Austria are obliged to register in the Business Register. For more information please visit: WKO
Name according to the Business Register ZNT Zentren für neue Technologien GmbH
Business Register number 313879m
Address Lena-Christ-Straße 2
82031 Grünwald, DEU
1 Registered Branches
Branch 001
Name ZNT Zentren für neue Technologien GmbH Zweigniederlassung Villach
Email address info@znt.de
Website http://znt-richter.com
Address Europastrasse 8
9524 Villach-St. Magdalen, Kärnten
Telephone number 04242 359 69-10
Fax 04242 359 69-20
Type of business entity (legal form) Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
VAT No. ATU64451122
Year established 2008
Products and services
Business activities Entwicklung von Softwarelösungen für die Industrie